On October, 24-25 CCBA held the 23rd annual meeting for collectors of beer accessories. The meeting was held in the renovated hall of the Moscow Hobbies Fair.
In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, it was able to assemble 100 participants representing a wide geografical range of participants: Moscow and Moscow region, SPb,
Kamchatka, Kuban, Tula, Don, Severodvinsk, Chernozeme, Ivanovo, Yaroslavl and Cheboksary.
The accessories, beers and equipment for its dispensing to the guests of the meeting were provided by Ochakovo, Buket Chuvashii, Swarzkaiser, Pivot Point, Rausch. Pivzavod77
brewery&restaurant made for us a special beer bottling with commemorative labels.
For details of the meeting, please read the second issue of KOLPIVATR magazine 2020.
Organized by KKPA on October 19-20, the 22nd international meeting of collectors of beer attributes gathered more than 260 hobby colleagues from Russia and abroad (Belarus, Ukraine, Pridnestrovie, Latvia, Lithuania,
Poland, Austria, Germany). Such an important event in the collector community would not have taken place without the
support from beer factories with beer and attributes. And it was favored by the companies "Bouquet Chuvashia," MBBP "Ochakovo" and the Moscow Office of Heineken (the main sponsors), breweries "One Ton" from Zhukovsky,
"Schwarzkaiser" from Chelohovo and "Lyubets" from Kovrov. The equipment for beer spilling was provided by Raush.
Within two days the event, 400 litres of beer were spilled for beer fans. Our club produced commemorative T-shirts and badges with the emblem of the meeting for the participants,
held a win-win lottery of souvenir products from the sponsors of the meeting. And also KKPA and Moscow restaurant-brewery "Pivzavod 77" realized new special bottling of beer with a commemorative label and cap.
At the end of the second day, a traditional amateur beer tasting was carried out. This year she was with a trick: it was proposed to guess the country or at least to indicate whose beer - Russian or foreign.
Beer labels and caps became the most popular collection objects among the participants of the 22nd meeting.
A detailed report on this meeting will be printed in the magazin KOLPIVATR 2-2019.
This year KKPA managed to implement plans for one-day excursion trips of club members on February 8 to Kirov, on March 23 on the route Sergei Posad - Alexandrov with a visit to
the kraft breweries LANDAU, REWORT (Sergei Posad), ROYAL OMAR (Alexandrov), on September 14 to the family brewery Schwarzkaiser Brew (w. Chelohovo) and brewery Pivot Point (c. Kolomna).

The 21st annual Moscow Meeting of Beer Attribute Collectors, organized by our club, took place on October 20-21, 2018.
275 collectors from Moscow and from regions of Russia (St. Petersburg, Arkhangelsk, Voronezh, Kursk, Belgorod, Rostov-na-Donu, Cheboksary, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Smolensk, Vologda, Ivanovo, Krasnodar,
Yaroslavl), and delegates from Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Lithuania, Poland and Austria became participants of a meeting.
The organization of the meeting was supported by the brewing company "Bouquet Chuvashia", Moscow beer-soft plant "Ochakovo", breweries "One Tonna" from Zhukovsky and "Schwarzkaiser" from Yegorievsk,
Maloyarovetskaya brewing company from the Kaluga region, Moscow companies "GlavPivMag" and "Rausch", Moscow office of the Heineken Brewing Company and the Moscow Brewing Company.
The report of the meeting will be published in KOLPIVATR magazine 2(73)-2018.
On September 14-16, 2018, a group of KKPA members visited the breweries of Samara and Tolyatti at the kind invitation of our clubmate the largest collector of
labels of Russia Oleg Fedorov, who personally organized this fascinating and fun trip.
The report of this trip will be published in KOLPIVATR magazine 2(73)-2018.

On February 9-11, 2018, members of KKPA held a three-day tour in Lipetsk region.
The event was organized with the help of local leader and fan of beer Pavel Ivannikov and
was called the «2nd Meeting of Beer Friends on Lipetsk Land».
The delegation visited most from breweries of the region - in total about one and a half tens.
The article about the trip is published in the magazine KOLPIVATR 1(72)-2018.
There was issue of the KOLPIVATR magazine 2(71)-2017.
Read in this number:
- 20th Moscow meeting
- Anniversary Martin
- Capital Kraft's beginners
- Four brewers and Roxana
- Brewers of Belogorie
- Kraft of nightingale edge
- Beer of Samarkand
- Adler beer
- Tula's stories and tales
- Draft beer and labels in the USSR
- Beer labels of the GDR
- Pages of history of «Baltic porter» style.
The 20th annual Moscow meeting of collectors of beer attributes has taken place on October 21-22.
As number of a meeting is "round", KKPA has organized special pouring of beer except habitual already memorable t-shirt, and also has made a memorable glass.
In preparation of a meeting our club was assisted:
the Ochakovo company which sponsored for the Moscow meetings practically for
all history of their carrying out; and this time the Moscow beer and soft drinks plant allocated
to collectors a big batch of canned and bottle beer of different grades (in total about 300 l);
brewery LLC Lyubets from Kovrov have sent to for an entertainment of participants 60 l for casting.
Our one more benefactors brewing "Bouquet of Chuvashia" from Cheboksary have prepared
just excellent set of beer and souvenirs for collectors: 120 l draft beer, including a seasonal grade "Kerr
sari light", 8 packings bottle, openers, baseball caps, t-shirts, magnets (all this for a sure-fire lottery),
birdekel and labels;
Sergey Perminov, our colleague collector and at the same time the brewer from
Yaroslavl, has brought for all a tasty barlivayn from the Clute brand.
The Royal Omar brewery from Alexandrov has also sent for participants of a
meeting cag draft lager and several packings of the bottle beer.
The Moscow office of the Heineken company which more than once was helping
out collectors has allocated for us excellent branded baseball caps and a box of glasses.
The device has provided to our club shop of Glavpivmag draft beer for pouring of beer.
Special edition of beer has carried out the Moscow brewing pub Beer Factory 77
(LLC K-Invest) - grades of APA and Stout by total of 100 bottles. The memorable glass has been
made in number of 300 pieces and has got to each participant at the event.
In total more than 280 people mainly from Moscow, St. Petersburg and the cities
of the Central Russia have participated in a meeting. The big delegation has arrived from Belarus.
There were Ukrainian colleagues and also guests from Lithuania, Latvia, Transnistria, Armenia,
Poland and Germany. From Slovakia there has arrived our good friend Jan Pokrevka.
Within the meeting there have taken place amateur tastings of beer from around
the world and also beer density - 20%. The next 21st Moscow meeting will take place on October
20-21, 2018.
There was issue of the KOLPIVATR magazine 1(70)-2017.
Read in this number:
- 3rd BCWC
- "Barbudos": bearded men of the Bryansk on Kraft's field
- New breweries of the Moscow region
- Puerto-Riko: kraft of rich port
- Kraft brewing pubs of Lisbon
- Hong Kong minibrew
- Beer in the capital of "End of the earth"
- Big Craft Day - 2017
- Sad story of the Chernavsky plant
- Protobeer
- About hobby
The delegation of KKPA has attended the 3rd World meeting of the convention on beer collecting
(3rd BCWC) on May 19-21 in the Polish city of Tychy. Our club has combined a trip to a meeting
with the excursion program. We were helped with it by Jacek Wozniak from Warsaw, the collector
of beer glasses and in combination the organizer of excursion tours. And the board member of
KKPA Alexander Sedov realized an idea. The group of teammates has by train reached Warsaw,
and from there has gone to quite fascinating trip on the South and the East of Poland,
having come around, including, in Tychy. For this joint trip children have visited 17
breweries, have visited the ancient cities and even the historical salt mine.
In more detail about 3 BCWC read in the KOLPIVATR magazine 1(70)-2017.
Members of KKPA have participated in the 6th All-Russian open meeting of collectors of the
beer attributes on May 13-14 in the settlement of Repino (Leningrad reg.) organized by our
colleagues from the St. Petersburg club "Beer Etiquette".
The Moscow collectors became participants the 10th congress of collectors of beer attributes
in Minsk on April 1, with success carried out by local club of collectors "Beer athletes" ("Pivnye Volaty")
at sponsorship of Lidsky Beer brewery.
At October 22 and 23 in showroom of the Moscow fair of hobbies there has taken place the
19th meeting of collectors of beer labels, birdekely, caps, glasses and other beer souvenirs,
organized by KKPA - club of beer collectors.
In the organization of a meeting collectors were assisted by several enterprises of brewing
branch at once. The main support was carried out by CJSC Moscow Brewery Ochakovo,
having provided souvenirs, beer for an entertainment of participants at the event and
the equipment for his pouring. The draft beer was provided by longtime friends of KKPA
Lyubets brewery from Kovrov of the Vladimir region. Also draft and canned beer,
original souvenirs has sent for collectors of JSC Buket Chuvashii from Cheboksary.
The Moscow brewery (MPK) has allocated souvenirs and license Faxe canned beer in
original registration from a series about Vikings. As a presentation grade the malt
liquor to the audience was presented by contract brewery Clute from Yaroslavl.
Separate thanks should be told the Moscow representative office of Heineken for
the provided beer glasses for each participant of a meeting.
The number of the registered guests of an action was nearly 300 people;
60% from them are collectors from Moscow and the Moscow region, and the others - residents
of the cities of the Central Russia, St. Petersburg, the Ural region, the Volga region, Don,
Kuban, one participant from Siberia, guests from Belarus, Ukraine, Transnistria, Lithuania,
Latvia and Poland. Each participant of a meeting has received a welcome set of labels,
birdekely, a memorable badge, a beer glass and special coupons on which beer was released.
Separately for all comers KKPA has made memorable t-shirts with a meeting emblem.
As for types of a beer hobby, most (37%) of participants of a meeting were
collectors of beer labels, they were followed by collectors of caps (29%), birdekely (18%) a
nd other attributes (16%). The whole two days exchange and communication continued.
Collectors presented each other novelties of attributes of the Russian and foreign breweries
(here a furor was created by labels from recently appeared kraftovy beer from Thailand and
Philippines), have carried out already habitual comparative tasting of beer from all over
the world (this time it was succeeded to taste beer from the distant exotic countries, in
particular from Papua New Guinea and with the island of Palau) and also have arranged
traditional amateur tasting of beer with a density equal to number of a meeting (have
been this time presented plus-minus of 19% with a density of 10 grades in style of double
Indian pale ale of the Russian breweries; in winners there were Beersfan breweries from
Yekaterinburg and Salden's from Tula).
Participants at the event have appreciated not only efforts of organizers,
but also the support given to collectors by the brewing enterprises. The words of sincere
gratitude have been expressed to the above-stated sponsors of a meeting for support of the
movement of beer collectors. The next anniversary 20th meeting of collectors of beer attributes
will take place in Moscow in a year, in October, 2017.
More photo you can see >>>
18th Moscow meeting for collectors of beer accessories was hold on October 24-25, 2015. It was two
full-days meeting, and during that days we've got more than 270 visitors from Moscow, SPb, Russian
regions, also BY, UA, MD, LT, LV, PL.
The meeting was sponsored by Ochakovo brewery (main sponsorship), Heineken's Moscow office,
Moscow Brewing Co., Lubets brewery, ID Jones craft brewery.
Regular CCBA local meeting took place on February 8th in Strazek restaurant & brewery, Moscow. 3 types of own
beer under Strazek Czech name are brewed here. About 50 collectors took part in the meeting. Owners of the
restaurant & brewery provided us a separated hall for our meeting.
Regular CCBA local meeting took place on January 11th in the "Na Shabolovke" restaurant & brewery, which produces 3 types of own beer
under "Shabolovskoe" brand. Restaurant's administration kindly provided us a hall on the first floor of the restaurant for our meeting.
More than 40 collectors took part in the event.
New issue of KOLPIVATR beer, breweries and beer accessories magazine was published on December 14th.
Calendar of collectors meetings and beer festivals 2014;
Beer and beer accessories news;
Exchange meetings in Zaporozhie, Martin, Moscow and Perm;
New breweries in Moscow;
Breweries in Liechtenstein and on Spitzbergen island;
History of Badaevsky brewery;
Soviet beer bottles with embosing;
National beer of Soviet Republics;
Breweries in Volgograd;
Beer labels, coasters, caps and cans review. |
16th meeting for collectors of beer accessories, organized by CCBA, was held in Moscow on October 26th in SALYUT hall located on
Budenny Ave. 272 collectors arrived from Central and South Russia, Ural, Siberia, Latvia, Liethuania, Byelorussai, Ukraine, Moldova,
Armenia and Poland were registered as participants. 55,5 % of participants will be collectors from Moscow region. The meeting
was supported by Ochakovo brewery, Baltika brewing co., Lyubets brewery, Moscow Brewing co. and Shabolovka brew-pub.
CCBA organized collective trip of club members to Slovakia for visiting local breweries, castles and first Brewery Collectibles World
Convention (BCWC), which was held on October, 3-6 in Martin town. This historic meeting assembled more than 850 participants from 36
countries. It was a meeting of World executive commitee during the BCWC, which confirm shadule of next world meetings: US-Milwaukee
in 2015, PL-Tychy in 2017, RA-La Plata in 2019, and after that Germany and Australia.
On September 14-15 CCBA members visited 28th Ukrainian meeting for collectors of beer accessories, which assembled 120 participants,
including guests from Russia, Byelorussia, Liethuania and Moldova, in Zaporozhie city, Khortitsa island locared on Dnepr river.
The event was supported by Zaporozhie brewery (Carlsberg Ukraine).
CCBA local meeting took place on August, 10th in new "1516" brew-pub located on Abelmanovskaya St., 4. In friendly atmosphere the
Moscow collectors had opportunity to try the most tasty beer which is brewed in this brew-pub: wheat, pilsner, stout and an
unconditionally explosive novelty at Russian beer market - American Pale Ale (APA). Thanks to huge courtesy of administration
of "1516" the collectors provided a discount for all beers and food during the meeting's time!
The next CCBA local meeting took place in the Shabolovka restaurant and brewery. This restaurant was opened in Moscow not so long
ago - on May 20th. Thanks to the owners for interest and a kind treatment shown to beer collectors. Because of this we hold the
meeting and exchange in so interesting place. The owners of the Shabolovka organized the excursion for collectors to the microbrewery,
during which we had interesting discussion with the lady-brewer. All the meeting participants get the considerable discount for all
4 types of Shabolovka beer and the set of bottle labels. We want to thank the Shabolovka's director Mr. Sharipov and also the
organizer of the meeting - Tatyana, Shabolovka's manager! Wish them success and delicious beer!
Regular CCBA local meeting for collectors took place on June 15 in recently opened Strazek microbrewery&restaurant
(Masterkova St. 8, Moscow). They use Destila brand equipment to brew 3 types of beer: light, half-dark and dark. As
usual, meeting was devoted to an exchange of beer accessories and companionship with beer. We thank Strazek management
for the favorable attitude towards collectors and for the discount provided.
The 15th meeting for collectors of beer accessories took place in Moscow on October 27-28 in pavilion No. 20
at the VVC Exhibition Centre. More than 300 people (among whose there were collectors from the Russian cities
on a distance from Smolensk to Krasnoyarsk), Belarus, Ukraine, Armenia, Moldova, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland and
Czech Republic became the participants of the meeting. The meeting was organized by CCBA and sponsored (second
year in a row) by Baltika brewing company. All the participants have got beer souvenirs, labels, coasters, beer
glasses and specially made T-shirts with a logo of the meeting, and also 600 liters of draft beer. There were
the exchange, traditional drink-fast competition, the tombola, and amateur beer tasting of 15%-density brands
in the meeting's agenda. Read the details in KOLPIVATR No. 4 (61)-2012.
It was 14th annual Moscow meeting for collectors of beer accessories on October, 29-30th, which has passed by
already habitual address Budyonny ave. 21, Salyut hall. The meeting was sponsored by Yaroslavl branch of Baltika
brewing company, which gave us 300 liters of draft beer (Nevskoe, Yarpivo, Baltika 7), 20 boxes with bottled and
canned beers, souvenirs with logos of Baltika and Yarpivo brands, and also glasses as a gift to each participant.
230 participants were registered at the meeting, came to the Salyut hall from different Russian cities, from
Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Lithuania, Latvia and Poland. The meeting has passed under the traditional scenario:
from the face of CCBA Mr. Shamov has handed over the memorable diploma to the representative of Yaroslavl branch
of Baltika Mrs. Voronina; Peter Kodzaev from Moscow became the winner of fast drinking competition; the amateur
commission has tasted a lot of 14% grade beer brands, which participants specially brought. You can read the
detailed report about the meeting in KOLPIVATR 4 (57)-2011.
By the invitation of Baltika-Yaroslavl brewing company CCBA delegation took part in Mosty (bridges) beer&music festival in Yaroslavl
on July 23th. CCBA collectors also took part in "Pivnoy dozor" (beer patrol) action together with company's workers and local collector
Moscow collectors done the auto trip from Moscow to Repino (St.-Pitersburg), where not numerous, but very sincere the 3d All-Russian
meeting for collectors of beer accessories were held on May 14-15th, organized by Pivnoy Etiket club. On a half way to the meeting
collectors visited old town Torzhok for survey the ruins of local brewery, established in 1889, and also visited one of the seldom
in Russia Vyshny Volochek hotel microbrewery.
CCBA members took part in 4th International meeting for collectors of beer accessories in Minsk on April 9, 2011. There were 100
participants at all from 7 countries: Russia, Byelorussia, Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Moldova. Organizer of the meeting:
Byelorussian club for collectors of beer accessories "Piunyya volaty" (Maks'ale co.).
On February 19th CCBA members visited Ochakovo brewery in Moscow. The most interesting sight at the brewery is the Museum of Beer with
its good collection of old items had been used in brewing. Collectors also visited brew house and fermentation section; they had beer
and kvass tasting and get souvenirs. Thanks to Ochakovo for given chance to visit the brewery.
Results of top list 2010 forms:
On January 29th group of CCBA members visited new Moscow microbrewery in Sviblovo district. The name of the brewery is Velka Morava.
Czech brewing equipment installed there and only Czech raw materials is used. Its beer brand is Moravsky klas (3 types). Labels for
kegs and PET are available for collectors. Thanks to brewery owners for excursion and for beer tasting organized!
2009 2008 2007 2006